Yesterday we finished the unit of the animals in the farm, the food and the actions. For this reason, the pupils did a test and all of them showed that they have understood all the things we have been studying during this term. The next week we are going to start a new topic, but this time the students chose the theme.
Ahir vam acabar el tema dels animals de la granja, el menjar i les accions. Per aquesta raó, els estudiants van fer un test i tots ells van demostrar que han entès totes les coses que hem estat estudiant durant aquest trimestre. La pròxima setmana començarem un nou tòpic, però aquest cop els estudiants van escollir el tema.
All the students thought a topic and we had to choose the best one to carry out in the English classes. When they decided the theme, they had to think about what things they wanted to know during the next classes. By the end of the term, they will have learnt how to make a project in English and how to work in groups.
Tots els estudiants van pensar un tema i van haver d'escollir el millor per dur-lo a terme a les classes d'anglès. Quan van escollir el tema, van haver de pensar sobre quines coses volien saber durant les pròximes classes. Al final del trimestre, ells hauran après com fer un projecte en anglès i com es treballa en grup.
The topic of the group A (Monday - Wednesday) is the dinosaurs. However, the other class, the group B (Tuesday - Thursday), they have chosen the spring. Both themes are very interesting to study in the English classes; for this, they are going to listen to some stories, carry out some activities and crafts and sing and dance some songs.
El tòpic del grup A (dilluns - dimecres) és els dinosaures. Tanmateix, l'altra classe, han escollit el de la primavera. Ambdós temes són molt interessants per estudiar a les classes d'anglès, per això, ells escoltaran algunes històries, duran a terme algunes activitats i manualitats i cantaran i ballaran algunes cançons.
What were the things our students wanted to know during their project? Let's see all of them in the next classes.
Quines eren les coses que els nostres estudiants volien aprendre durant aquest projecte? Les veurem totes a les pròximes classes.
The dinosaurs
Els dinosaures
1. Why they have sharp things in their back?
Per què tenen coses punxegudes a la seva esquena?
2. Why they don't exist now?
Per què no existeixen ara?
3. Why they have a "d" at the beginning of their name?
Per què porten una "d" al començament del seu nom?
4. Can we find the bones in nowadays?
Podem trobar els ossos actualment?
The spring
La primavera
1. What kind of flowers we can find during the spring?
Quin tipus de flors podem trobar durant la primavera?
2. What flower is the most beautiful?
Quina flor és la més bonica?
3. How is the pollen? Why they have got pollen?
Com és el pol·len? Per què elles tenen pol·len?
4. How and when they grow up?
Com i quan creixen?
5. What animals we can find during the spring?
Quin tipus d'animals podem trobar durant la primavera?