jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

The family bus

The family bus

Today children have finished the unit of the family and the actions and they have performed a theatre. The next day they will put it into practice in other classes, it will be so funny! 

"Avui els nens han acabat el tema de la família i les accions i ells han actuat un teatre. El pròxim dia ells el posaran en pràctica en altres classes, serà molt divertit!".

The story they have developed was about a family bus. In the bus, there were a daddy, mummy, brother, sister, baby, uncle, aunt, grandma, grandpa and cousin. They had to go to the park and the driver asked them some questions before. 

"La història que ells han desenvolupat era sobre un bus familiar. Al bus havia un pare, mare, germà, germana, bebè, tiet, tieta, àvia, avi i cosí. Ells havien d'anar al parc i el conductor els va preguntar unes preguntes abans". 

Driver: Hello everybody!

Children: Hello!

Driver: How are you?

Children: Fine!

Driver: Ok, are you ready?

Children; Yes!

Mummy: Oh no! I forgot my pencil!

Daddy: Oh no! I forgot my pencil case!

Sister: Oh no! I forgot my scissors!

Brother: Oh no! I forgot my rubber! 

Cousin: Oh no! I forgot my paper!

Grandma: Oh no! I forgot my pen!

Grandpa: Oh no! I forgot my crayons!

Uncle and aunt: Oh no! I forgot my folder!

Baby: Oh no! I forgot my pencil sharpener!

(The driver was very angry and, then, he realized he forgot the keys as well!)

Driver: Oh no! I forgot my keys!

"Conductor: Hola a tots!

Nens i nenes: Hola!

Conductor: Com esteu?

Nens i nenes: Bé

Conductor: Val, esteu preparats?

Nenes i nens: Si!

Mare: Oh no! He oblidat el meu llapis!

Pare: Oh no! He oblidat el meu estoig!

Germana: Oh no! He oblidat les meves tisores!

Germà: Oh no! He oblidat la meva goma!

Cosí: Oh no! He oblidat el meu paper!

Àvia: Oh no! He oblidat el meu bolígraf!

Avi: Oh no! He oblidat els meus colors!

Tiet i tieta: Oh no! He oblidat la meva carpeta!

Bebè: Oh no! He oblidat la meva maquineta!

El conductor estava molt enfadat i, després, es va adonar que va oblidar les seves claus també

Conductor: Oh no! He oblidat les meves claus!".

Let's practice in your house and it will be fine. Don't forget to use the school material when you do the actions! 

"Practiqueu-la a casa vostre i quedarà molt bé. No oblideu utilitzar material escolar quan feu les accions!".

domingo, 24 de noviembre de 2013

Actions and family


Hello people!

The last week we were studying the actions in the free time and reviewing the topic of the family! The last day we did a worksheet with oral questions of the actions and the family and the children in pairs had to answer them with a tick or cross. "Do you have brothers or sisters?" "Do you like dancing?". 

"L'última setmana vam estar estudiant les accions al temps lliure i repassant el tòpic de la família! L'últim dia vam fer una fitxa amb preguntes orals de les accions i la família i els nens en parelles havien de respondre-les amb un tic o una creu. "Tens germans i germanes?" "T'agrada ballar?".

The next week, we're going to review all the units (all the vocabulary, grammar structures and English rules)! Then, we're going to study the topic of the Christmas! It will be so interesting, let's go! 

"La següent setmana, repassarem totes les unitats (tot el vocabulari, estructures gramaticals i normes en anglès)! Després, estudiarem el tòpic de Nadal" Serà molt interessant, som-hi!".

Keep an eye on the photos of the last week! As it was raining, children had to wear rainwear and umbrellas! 

"Feu una ullada a les fotografies de la setmana passada! Com estava plovent, els nens havien de portar roba de pluja i paraigües!".

viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013

The family (2)


On Wednesday and on Thursday, the pupils started a new unit: the family and the actions in the free time. In addition, they learned some popular expression to refer to the family: "Do you have brothers or sisters?", "Do you have cousins?", "Do you have an aunt and an uncle?", "Do you have a grandma and a grandpa?".

"El dimecres i el dijous, els alumnes van començar una nova unitat: la família i les accions al temps lliure. A més a més, ells van aprendre algunes expressions populars per referir-se a la família "tens germans o germanes?", "Tens cosins?", "Tens un tiet o una tieta?", "Tens una àvia o avi?"

They did some activities to learn the vocabulary and the expressions. First of all, they did a drawing of their family, have a look at these tasks!

"Ells van fer algunes activitats per aprendre el vocabulari i les expressions. Primer de tot, van fer un dibuix de la família, mireu les tasques!"

Then, they played a game, the twister. They had to touch the flashcard of the family with their foots and their hands, following the instructions of the teacher. 

"Després, ells van jugar a un joc, el "twister". Ells van haver de tocar una carta de la família amb els seus peus i mans, seguint les instruccions de la mestra"

Finally, they had to ask some questions about the family in pairs. They had absorbed the information like sponges, for that reason, at the end of the class, they learned all the sentences!

"Finalment, ells es van haver de preguntar unes preguntes sobre la família en parelles. Ells havien absorbit la informació com esponges, per això, al final de la classe, van aprendre totes les frases"

miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2013

The family


Dear families,

In the English classes we're going to study a new unit: the family members and the actions. For that reason, the children will need photographs about their family: the mum, the dad, the sister, the brother, the cousins, the aunt, the uncle and the grandparents (the grandmother and the grandfather). They should bring printed photographs, because they will cut them.

"A les classes d'anglès anem a estudiar un nou tema: els membres de la família i les accions. Per aquesta raó, els nens necessitaran fotografies sobre la seva família: la mare, el pare, la germana, el germà, els cosins, el tiet, la tieta i els avis (l'àvia i l'avi). Ells haurien de portar fotografies impreses, perquè les retallaran".

Moreover, we will watch some videos of Sponge Bob, so it could be good that the children follow this cartoon in English in their homes. Here you have the videos, have a look at them!.

"A més a més, veurem alguns vídeos de Bob Esponja, per tant seria bo que els nens seguissin aquests dibuixos animats amb anglès a casa seva. Aquí teniu els vídeos, feu un cop d'ull".

martes, 12 de noviembre de 2013

The magic stones (2)


Hello everybody!

This last week we have been so busy because we have been prepared for the new magic stones. We have been studying new vocabulary about the food and, of course, we have reviewed the alphabet, the school material and the Halloween words. 

"Aquesta última setmana hem estat molt ocupats, perquè ens hem estat preparant per les noves pedres màgiques. Hem estat estudiant nou vocabulari sobre el menjar i, per descomptat, hem repassat l'alfabet, el material de l'escola i les paraules de Halloween".

These tasks haven't been as easy as they seem to be, because every day we had to learn new vocabulary, without forgetting the rest. We have enjoyed with the activities, for example, one day we did a journey in the desert, and we had to think the most essentials things to take in our bag. 

"Aquestes tasques no han sigut tan fàcils com semblen, perquè cada dia hem hagut d'aprendre nou vocabulari, sense oblidar la resta. Hem gaudit molt amb les activitats, per exemple, un dia vam fer un viatge al desert, i vam haver de pensar les coses més essencials per portar-nos a la motxilla".

When we decided what things were important, we had to pass a river, with very big stones. Our teacher told us the stones we had to jump and, then, we went to a market in the desert to buy things in English.

"Quan vam decidir què coses eren importants, vam passar un riu, amb unes pedres molt grans. La nostra mestra ens va dir què pedres havíem de saltar i, després, vam anar a un mercat al desert per comprar coses amb anglès".

To prove our knowledge in English, the crewman sent us a letter with two activities to pass in order to get the magic stones. These two activities have been a dictation of the alphabet and a letter with all the vocabulary that our teacher has asked us in the English class. 

"Per comprovar el nostre coneixement d'anglès, el tripulant ens va enviar una carta amb dues activitats per passar per aconseguir les pedres màgiques. Aquestes dues activitats han sigut un dictat amb l'alfabet i una carta amb tot el vocabulari que la nostra mestra ens ha preguntat a la classe d'angles".

The children had a lot of fun and the last day all of them passed the activities, it shows that they have done a good work. They hope that one day, if the crewman comes to the school, they will be able to communicate with him. For that reason, they need to involve in their English learning, this is our aim this year. Come on!! We will achieve it!!.

"Els nens s'ho han passat molt bé i l'últim dia tots van passar les activitats, això ens mostra que han fet una bona feina. Ells esperen que un dia, si el tripulant ve a l'escola, ells es puguin comunicar amb ell. Per aquesta raó, ells necessiten involucrar-se al seu aprenentatge de l'anglès, aquest és el nostre objectiu d'aquest any. Ànims!! Ho aconseguirem!".

sábado, 2 de noviembre de 2013

Halloween day


Hi everybody!

Halloween, which is celebrated on 31 October, is one of the most important celebrations in UK. For this reason, in the English classes, we have been studying vocabulary and English sentences related to this particular day. 

"Halloween, el qual es celebra el dia 31 d'octubre, és una de les celebracions més importants al Regne Unit. Per aquesta raó, a les classes d'anglès, hem estat estudiant vocabulari i frases en anglès relacionades amb aquest particular dia".

Typical festive Halloween activities are characteristic for costume parties, decorating, lighting bonfires and telling scary stories. Therefore, during this week, we have been studying vocabulary of an English song of Halloween, we prepared a costume party, we made up and we passed for all the classes singing the song and telling "trick-or-treat".

"Activitats típiques del festival de Halloween són característiques per festes de disfresses, decoracions, encendre fogueres i explicar històries de por. Per això, durant aquesta setmana, hem estat estudiant vocabulari d'una cançó amb anglès de Halloween, hem fet una festa de disfresses, ens hem maquillat i hem passat per totes les classes cantant la cançó i dient "truc o tracte".

The students had a lot of fun and they enjoyed while studying English. The pictures show the activities we did and the costumes we dressed, keep an eye on them.

"Els estudiants s'ho van passar molt bé i van gaudir a l'hora que aprenien anglès. Les imatges mostren les activitats que vam fer i les disfresses que vam portar, feu un cop d'ull!.