viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013

The family (2)


On Wednesday and on Thursday, the pupils started a new unit: the family and the actions in the free time. In addition, they learned some popular expression to refer to the family: "Do you have brothers or sisters?", "Do you have cousins?", "Do you have an aunt and an uncle?", "Do you have a grandma and a grandpa?".

"El dimecres i el dijous, els alumnes van començar una nova unitat: la família i les accions al temps lliure. A més a més, ells van aprendre algunes expressions populars per referir-se a la família "tens germans o germanes?", "Tens cosins?", "Tens un tiet o una tieta?", "Tens una àvia o avi?"

They did some activities to learn the vocabulary and the expressions. First of all, they did a drawing of their family, have a look at these tasks!

"Ells van fer algunes activitats per aprendre el vocabulari i les expressions. Primer de tot, van fer un dibuix de la família, mireu les tasques!"

Then, they played a game, the twister. They had to touch the flashcard of the family with their foots and their hands, following the instructions of the teacher. 

"Després, ells van jugar a un joc, el "twister". Ells van haver de tocar una carta de la família amb els seus peus i mans, seguint les instruccions de la mestra"

Finally, they had to ask some questions about the family in pairs. They had absorbed the information like sponges, for that reason, at the end of the class, they learned all the sentences!

"Finalment, ells es van haver de preguntar unes preguntes sobre la família en parelles. Ells havien absorbit la informació com esponges, per això, al final de la classe, van aprendre totes les frases"

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